Never be
without a bike

Donkey Republic, the coolest bike-sharing in the city. Rent a bike, whenever and wherever you need it.​

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How to ride a Donkey bike

How to ride a Donkey bike

Your ride starts with a few taps. Use the Donkey Republic app to find the closest bike, unlock it instantly, and start exploring. Need a break? Lock the bike and pick up your journey later.

  • Find a bike in the APP
  • Unlock the bike
  • Ride for as long as you want
  • Drop-off the bike within a parking zone

They love to ride our bikes!

Trustpilot Excellent city view

Excellent city view

What a great way to see the city! Bikes were in great condition and easy to use the app! - Suzie Gole

Biking with friends Bike mechanic Bike in city Bike in Norrebro Students riding bikes people on the bikes

Become a partner

Join the movement and be the spearhead for your community. Together, let's build the future of urban mobility.